Gáspár Nagy on software

coach, trainer and bdd addict, creator of SpecFlow; owner of Spec Solutions

Call for thoughts: BDD in regulated environments

by Gáspár on April 3, 2017

A lot of people use Behavior Driven Development in regulated development environments, like medical or other safety-critical projects. In recent months, I’ve participated in a few deeper discussions regarding topic that I ‘ve found pretty interesting. My goal is to learn more about projects using BDD under such circumstances and share my experiences with others.

Are you working or have you worked on such a project? If you would be interested to share your thoughts, please contact me. I am open to an online chat or an email conversation.

I am interested in questions like: To which degree is working on a regulated project different from working on an “average” project? Have you used BDD? What were the benefits of using BDD there? Do you apply the scenarios for auditing? Do you need to write them differently because of this? What kind of details are important for the regulators/auditors? How did you setup your process to support audits? What were the most important challenges?

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