Gáspár Nagy on software

coach, trainer and bdd addict, creator of SpecFlow; owner of Spec Solutions

BDD Addict Newsletter April 2019

by Gáspár on April 2, 2019

Dear BDD Addicts,

March was a dev-active month for me. I had a great SpecFlow course in Bradford (UK), but this month I spent quite a lot of time on development as well. I like this mixture, because I always learn something new about BDD, test automation and test-driven development. This month was more about learning about DevOps as my new Visual Studio extension for SpecFlow, Deveroom went online, so I had to find the way how to handle the integration challenges on the different installations. I will probably talk about that later more in detail.

But now… the April dose.

[Agile Testing] How does agile testing fit to DevOps?

I don’t remember when I heard the term “DevOps” for the first time, but I had been doing BDD already at that time. The operations part of DevOps was easier for me. I have spent enough time on manual deployments and fixing configuration errors. But how does DevOps relate to quality, especially if you already do BDD. I think there is no single answer for this and I will keep posting in this topic, but the short article by Denise Rigoni is definitely a good start.

5 Key Factors to Achieve Agile Testing in DevOps (Denise Rigoni, linkedin:denise-rigoni-570415147)

Photo by Joel Mott on Unsplash.com

[Process] Agile Transformation: What will test managers do?

Doing an agile transformation is difficult and it needs engagement from everyone. When it comes to testing, during the transformation, “test departments” are closed; testers and even more the testing efforts will be integrated into the agile teams. But what about the test manager? How will testing knowledge be spread across the different teams? Georg Meinhardt talks about this.

Why is a Test Manager not obsolete in Agile Projects? (Georg Meinhardt, linkedin:georg-meinhardt-1722b614a)

Picture by Georg Meinhardt

[BDD] BDD is not about coverage

I have been sharing different articles about the different misconceptions people have about BDD and also on how to do things better. In his compilation Kamil Nicieja talks about the relation of BDD with test coverage among others. This is an important topic, because we all want to create bug-free products and it would be so great if there would be a single, unified way, like BDD that solves all of the quality problems. But this does not work. In my experience the only way that works is to choose a right mixture of different (agile) testing techniques and use them together. BDD is well placed in this mixture, but typically not with the aim of providing full coverage.

3 myths about Cucumber and Gherkin (Kamil Nicieja, @kamil)

Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash.com

[BDD] When Alexa says: BDD

The two-part article by Stefan Spittank presents a showcase on how to implement a simple Alexa skill (a fictional dice game) using Cucumber.js and the Alexa API. Probably this is not a mainstream topic, but definitely interesting and shows that BDD might be beneficial even on such platforms.

Behaviour-driven development (BDD) of an Alexa Skill with Cucumber.js (Stefan Spittank, @spittank)

Photo by Mike Szczepanski on Unsplash.com

[BDD/SpecFlow] SpecFlow v3 with .NET Core support is released

SpecFlow will be 10 years old this year, but introducing the .NET Core support is one of the biggest changes that we have ever had. And now it is released. There are a few breaking changes, but generally you can work with SpecFlow as you have used to, but now also on .NET Core.

SpecFlow 3 is here! (@specflow)

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