Gáspár Nagy on software

coach, trainer and bdd addict, creator of SpecFlow; owner of Spec Solutions

SpecFlow on VS11

by Gáspár on March 5, 2012

Today was an exciting day. It started with Visual Studio 11 beta install and finished with uploading a working SpecFlow VS11 package to github downloads. Cool.


Currently I have created a hand-made package for v1.8.1, to test whether the integration components work well on VS11. Later I’ll include the integration package to the standard deployment process.

Currently the things seem to work well. The “Run SpecFlow Scenarios” feature does not seem to work with the MsTest runner, but with the ReSharper EAP this works too.

If you see any problems with the integration, please post it here.

It’s yet unclear to me, how the installation process will look like in the future. On one hand it’s tempting to put the VS11 (and maybe also the VS2010) integration to the VS gallery, but this way the file association (.feature) cannot be set. Currently the SpecFlow installer installs the tools and the runtime for users who don’t use NuGet. If the installation is done through the gallery, we need to find a solution for this too. If you have suggestions on this, please let me know.

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