Gáspár Nagy on software

coach, trainer and bdd addict, creator of SpecFlow; owner of Spec Solutions

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Working with BDD Remote Part 2: Drive development with Gherkin

by Gáspár on November 24, 2020

Originally posted at specflow.org, 2 July, 2020 In Part 1 we have discussed how we can ensure shared understanding in remote environments using examples during the online requirement workshops. As mentioned there, those workshops focused on getting the most out of the precious time together, therefore the result (the rules and the examples) have been captured in […]

Working with BDD Remote Part 1: Collect Examples Online

by Gáspár on November 24, 2020

Originally posted at specflow.org, 22 June, 2020 Even as we slowly open offices, remote work remains the norm. The sudden shift to remote work clearly exposed the importance – and challenges – of remote collaboration. Now that a few months of experience has helped us understand the scope of the challenge, it is a great […]

6 things that will make your adoption of BDD easier

by Gáspár on November 13, 2020

Originally posted at specflow.org on 30 September 2020 Initially I thought I would make a list of things that are required to adopt Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) successfully. But then I was thinking about the projects where we introduced BDD: if all these criteria would have been required, we should have failed with most of […]

Things I have learned from my first online BDD course

by Gáspár on April 14, 2020

COVID-19 has changed our life from one day to another. For me this meant that within a few days all of my upcoming onsite BDD courses got cancelled. Not a good perspective if you are a BDD trainer like me. But after reviving from the initial shock and having some discussions with fellow trainers I […]