BDD discovery: the briefing for your squad
by Gáspár on June 18, 2019
How does BDD fit into the Spotify model?
Divide & conquer à la BDD: story, rule, scenario
by Gáspár on May 29, 2019
When practicing Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), the details of the user stories are illustrated with BDD scenarios. But how many scenarios are enough for a good understanding? Rules can help.
Clean up bad BDD scenarios
by Gáspár on May 8, 2019
Probably we have all seen such long, technical and script-like scenarios. They are a late indicator of the problem. If you have only a few of them, it is probably easy to fix them, but if you already have hundreds… it will be a harder job. However, the earlier you start, the better chances you will have to avoid the technical (or testing) debt bad scenarios have caused.
Example Mapping: the good enough facilitator
by Gáspár on April 29, 2019
When people hear about facilitators, they usually associate them with the Scrum Master role and expect that they might need deep knowledge or formal training in example mapping to be able to fulfill this duty. Fortunately this is much more simple than that. I will share a few tips I use when I do example mapping facilitation.