BDD Addict Newsletter August 2016
by Gáspár on September 6, 2016
The monthly dose for BDD addicts… In August #bdd, #specflow and #cucumber stories from Eugen (Baeldung), The Cucumber team, Chris Parsons, John Ferguson Smart & Gaspar Nagy.
SpecFlow tips: Customizing dependency injection with Autofac
by Gáspár on August 18, 2016
SpecFlow creates and disposes the instances of your step definition classes automatically. It also allows injecting dependencies to these classes through a feature called context injection. This article shows how this injection can be configured to use the popular Autofac dependency injection framework.
BDD Addict Newsletter July 2016
by Gáspár on August 1, 2016
The monthly dose for BDD addicts… In July #bdd, #specflow and #cucumber stories from Matt Wynne, Konstantin Kudryashov, Mathias Verraes, Liz Keogh, Roberto Lo Giacco, David Leitner & Gaspar Nagy.
BDD Addict Newsletter June 2016
by Gáspár on July 6, 2016
The monthly dose for BDD addicts… In June #bdd, #specflow and #cucumber stories from Gojko Adzic, Kent Beck, Håkan Forss, Michael Whelan & Gaspar Nagy.