Re: Rapid Feedback
by Gáspár on April 11, 2011
I’ve read yesterday evening the post of Attila Domokos about rapid feedback that made me thinking. Here is my reaction that didn’t fit to a regular blog post comment. I think no company should afford wasted time and having a development environment that is determined to waste time is a usually forgotten, but important factor […]
SpecLog Comes!
by Gáspár on February 2, 2011
In November 2009 we have started with the SpecFlow project to support .NET community with a BDD tool that is nicely integrating to the development environment. Through SpecFlow and the projects we delivered, we have learned a lot about agile requirement analysis and BDD. And now, after 14 months we also have something new to […]
SpecFlow Workshop at Skills Matter / Progressive.NET Tutorials
by Gáspár on May 17, 2010
Luckily escaping the BA strike and the newest volcano ash cloud, on Friday I safely arrived home from the Skills Matter Progressive.NET Tutorials in London. This was the first time I visited this event and it was a great honor that Jonas and me had been invited to do two workshops about behavior-driven development (BDD) […]
SpecFlow: Pragmatic BDD for .NET
by Gáspár on October 19, 2009
Last year I worked a lot on finding better techniques for automated functional testing. I was investigating topics like how to solve problems of automated web UI testing (especially ASP.NET), how to structure automated functional tests or how to ensure the preconditions of functional tests. We even created small tools to support this, but altogether […]