Gáspár Nagy on software

coach, trainer and bdd addict, creator of SpecFlow; owner of Spec Solutions

Things I have learned from my first online BDD course

by Gáspár on April 14, 2020

COVID-19 has changed our life from one day to another. For me this meant that within a few days all of my upcoming onsite BDD courses got cancelled. Not a good perspective if you are a BDD trainer like me. But after reviving from the initial shock and having some discussions with fellow trainers I […]

Gherkin6 rule support in SpecFlow v3.1

by Gáspár on December 16, 2019

Despite the current version of Gherkin (v6), the syntax for documenting requirements using the Given-When-Then format has not really changed until recently. Gherkin v6 is backwards compatible, but it introduces a few new features that might be useful for all BDD practitioners. These changes are supported by the new SpecFlow v3.1 release.