Agile Developer Course in Vienna
by Gáspár on May 31, 2011
In summer everyone is on holidays, the projects are running on low frequency, so maybe it’s a good time to meet others and improve your agile development skills. July 6-8, 2011 there will be a three-day course in Vienna instructed by me (in English) that focuses on agile engineering practices and team collaboration. The attendees […]
Testing manually vs. SpecFlow
by Gáspár on May 6, 2011
No, I cannot answer this general question. Just had a nice story in our team and since I’m sure that Mátyás and Viktor will never blog this, I do it now on behalf of them. We are working on a small project, where we have to implement a smaller module for an existing system. Interesting […]
Doing it right
by Gáspár on April 20, 2009
I’m a software developer. From time to time, I come to the question why it is good to be a developer? Why is it good to write software? I don’t have the ultimate answer yet, but I already have a few: making someone’s work easier; to able to get out more value from the things […]