Gáspár Nagy on software

coach, trainer and bdd addict, creator of SpecFlow; owner of Spec Solutions

6 things that will make your adoption of BDD easier

by Gáspár on November 13, 2020

Originally posted at specflow.org on 30 September 2020

Initially I thought I would make a list of things that are required to adopt Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) successfully. But then I was thinking about the projects where we introduced BDD: if all these criteria would have been required, we should have failed with most of them. In fact I learned about some of the items in this list while adopting BDD. And it was an exciting journey!

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BDD Addict Newsletter September 2020 (#48)

by Gáspár on September 29, 2020

Dear BDD Addicts,

It has been a longer time since our last newsletter. It has been a long summer and pretty different from all the ones we have had before. September is always one of the busiest month for me and this happened this year again.

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BDD Addict Newsletter March-April 2020 (#46)

by Gáspár on April 22, 2020

Dear BDD Addicts,

Our life has changed a lot since the last newsletter, so I could not even keep my pot boiling — hence the March-April merged issue. In this situation it’s a bit difficult to talk about BDD as if nothing would have happened around us. I have learned in the last few weeks that keeping the software industry going and helping people better collaborate with BDD are our responsibility.

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Things I have learned from my first online BDD course

by Gáspár on April 14, 2020

COVID-19 has changed our life from one day to another. For me this meant that within a few days all of my upcoming onsite BDD courses got cancelled. Not a good perspective if you are a BDD trainer like me. But after reviving from the initial shock and having some discussions with fellow trainers I figured out a way how to practice even collaboration techniques like BDD at online/remote courses. And it worked. I have just finished my first online BDD training successfully. Now it is high time to summarize and evaluate.

Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash.com
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